Summer Fun Part 3

Here is just a few photos of the kids and dad having fun together. They had so much fun with them! Can you tell?

We took Hwy 20 and headed East to explore some more of Washington, stay a night or two at Glacier National Park and visit Tim's family in Montana. 2500 miles ahead of us let's get rolling! 
We made several stops on the way like the beautiful Ross Lake...

 or the Ketoonai Falls

                                 Where dad and Eli took a little swim in really COLD river water.

We stayed in a really nice hotel in Kalispell, Montana and had a great dinner there.

 We spent a day in Glacier National Park. We drove  "Going to the Sun Road" and did a couple of nice hikes. We saw a lot of wildlife including a bear about 5" from us on a trail. Not so cool but we survived. No pictures sorry!

 We stayed in a little cabin in Many Glaciers and loved it!

Here we are about two minutes before the bear got there for a swim!


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