It's a ....

By the will and grace of God Lucie Grace Clark was born at home on April 22 at 2.40 am. She weighted 8 lbs 6 oz and was 21 1/2 inch long. Beautiful and healthy as can be! Praise the Lord with us as we wouldn't be able to do it without His mercy and faithfulness! And without all the prayers of family and friends! I cannot even tell how much we love this little bundle of joy! God's design is so perfect and we are so thankful for having Lucie in our lives!

Lucie Grace Clark se narodila doma 22. dubna o půl třetí ráno. Vážila 3800 g a měřila 54 cm. Porod byl rychlý a bez problémů. Díky Bohu a modlitbám rodiny a přátel. Lucinka je krásná a zdravá!

When she first came out I was the one to check the tired as a woman after a hard labor could be I saw umbilical cord and assumed that it must be a pee pee...It's a boy!  That's what we all thought for 10 min and then dad checked and found out it's a GIRL!!! hahaha

Prvních deset minut po porodu jsme si všichni mysleli, že máme kluka! Unavená z porodu jsem si myslela, že pupeční šnůra je "pee pee" a všichni mi věřili! Po deseti minutách se Tim podíval a ..."vždyť je to holčička!" hahaha Tak jsme se nasmáli!

Enjoy the pics and leave a comment!

What a big girl! Look at those long feet! 

To je cvalíček a ty dlouhé nohy! 

  Five minutes old and getting checked by our wonderful midwife Winni. Eli and Sofia quite awake for 2.40 am!
Pět minut na světě. Elijáš a Sofinka jsou úplně nadšení i o půl třetí ráno!

 Love at the first sight! Nothing like being in arms of God loving dad and brother!

 Sofia is a big sister now!

Eli is so loving and caring that it melts my heart!

Isn't she BEAUTIFUL?!?!
One day old and enjoying sunshine with Sofia.

Life doesn't get any better than this! I just want the time to stop now! So thankful for these moments!!!


  1. Congratulations Tim, Petra, Eli, and Sofia! Welcome to the world, Lucie, and Happy Birthday! April 22 is a wonderful birthday - my son Gavin was born 9 years ago on this day. Enjoy this very special time! ~Tina Dykstra (Tawnya's sister)

    1. Thank you, Tina! How funny they have the same birthday! Hope you all are well! Lots of love, the. Clark's

  2. Lucie... you are a beautiful sweet baby girl! Lucie Grace... beautiful name! Petra and Tim... you have a beautiful family! Way to go Eli and Sofie, being the new big brother and big sister to your new little baby sister! A celebration of JOY in your home... you are blessed to be a blessing! God's mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness! Lots of love and continuing prayers, Nancy Felmley (Nana)

    1. Thank you, Nancy for your prayers! Yes, we are so blessed! Come and visit next time you are in Lynden! We would love to see you! Love, Petra

  3. That makes 3 little "Graces" in the family now with Eva and Illona! Love our little gifts from the Lord. The grace of God is indeed rich. Were Elli and Sofia there for the birth? Hope you are feeling well and getting rested.

    1. Doing great and recovering well, thank you, Jo! And yes, Eli and Sofia were here with us. They were wonderful! Lots of love! The Clark's

  4. Congratulations! The pictures are wonderful. What a pretty baby and a great family. So glad everything went well. Praise be to our Loving Saviour Jesus Christ.


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