No baby yet!

Yes, we are still waiting! In the meantime we enjoyed a lovely visit of our dear friends Larry and Glenda Lerwick who came to see us last weekend in March. It was rainy and cold (surprise!?!) and we spent most of the time at home relaxing and chatting. The last time we saw each other was three years ago and I was pregnant with Sofia. We had a wonderful time together!

Poslední víkend v březnu nás přejeli navštívit Larry a Glenda Lerwickovi. Naposledy jsme se viděli před třemi roky a to jsem byla těhotná se Sofinkou. Počasí nebylo nic moc, a tak jsme si povídali a odpočívali. Bylo to moc prima!

 A little lunch at Mount Bakery Cafe in Bellingham. 
Na obědě v malé kavárně v Bellinghamu.

 It's hard to believe that I am already 38 weeks along! The baby should be here any day! I am cooking and baking a storm here, cleaning and shopping for things I should have had with the first baby already! I guess you learn as you go!
Miminko by se mělo narodit každým dnem. Pořád něco vařím a peču, uklízím a nakupuju věci pro miminko, které jsem už měla mít, když se Elijášek narodil. No, pořád se učím!
 First Farmer's Market of the year in Bellingham is always fun. Lots fresh veggies, local handmade art and craft, music and entertainment. We had fun and the weather was wonderful! Yes, we do get sun here too!

První víkend v dubnu se zahajují trhy  v Bellinghamu. Spoustu čerstvé zeleniny, domácích výrobků, pouličních muzikantů a zábavy. I počasí se vydařilo! Moc jsme si to užili, hlavně děti!

 A great day for a Fairhaven board walk/ bike ride. Sofia got new tassels on her bike and it was a perfect day to try them out as they spin!

Po trzích jsme šli na malou procházku ve Fairhaven. Sofinka a Elijášek šlapali na kolech.

 Nothing like rolling in grass. We did it all the time as kids I think I read somewhere it's good for your brain.

A lovely Sunday afternoon playing with dad while mom takes a nice long walk. 

V neděli jsme vzali děti do parku hrát basketbal.

Best Friends playing together!


  1. You wear 9 months of baby better than anyone I know. You look fantastic! Bet you are happy to see the sun!

  2. Awesome memories of a WONDERFUL visit. We are very anxious to hear if baby #3 is here yet. Thanks too, for the precious thank you notes that came last week. We love you guys!!!


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