Fall fun

We have been having a really nice fall. We got our garden ready for the winter, planted 7 different kinds of garlic, played in leaves and enjoyed many sunny days on long walks.  

We spent our Thanksgiving this year at home. Just us and a small roasted turkey, gravy, yams, green beans, cranberry sauce, stuffing and a pumpkin pie. We enjoyed the leftovers for three days. It was a nice relaxing family time.  Eli played a thanksgiving hymn on the piano, we sang, danced and just enjoyed each other. What a blessing! 

Good helpers ready to cook a big dinner!

Here is what they do best...

Mashing yams with butter

 Thanksgiving craft
 First day of skiing on Mount Baker - 70'' of snow! We had a lot of fun. Eli did great he skipped a bunny hill and went on a beginner's chair. It was too cold for Sofia to stay outside for long so we just pulled her in a sled for a little bit and then cheered Eli from a warm car. We took turns with Tim and I got to go with Eli for a few runs. So blessed!

 Second day on Mount Baker was awesome! 21 degrees but sunny! Eli tried another chair lift and did great! Sofia got on her skies as well and she did great! I went up and down the bunny hill with her 10 times. She had so much fun and I was so tired! My arms were so sore from pulling her up all the time! ha! So worth it! I love mountains and the fresh air! We also got some great family pictures for our photo book this year. While Tim hit the expert slopes the kids and I sledded (is that a word?) for a couple of hours. Yes, I couldn't move for a day. Ha! A wonderful wonderful day on Mount Baker! We are so thankful Tim is back to day shifts!


  1. Great photos! The kids look like beat buddies.

    Tom took the older girls skiing today on opening day. :) I'm exciting and anxious to see how their day goes! I remember taking Sarah the first time and being quite sore also. :)


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