Family Visit & more....

We got out bikes out for the season on a very nice day in May and rode from Fairhaven to Larabee State Park. The trail is really nice and fun for the kids! Both girls still sit in our trailer. Here are some pics we took resting and eating our lunches. We love outdoors!

Náš první výlet na kolech!  Holky se ještě vezou vzadu. Tady odpočíváme a svačíme.

Tim's brother Tom and his family came to visit our beautiful sunny Northwest.  It was a cold rainy day (surprise!) and we took them to Fairhaven for a little stroll along the ocean. 

Timův bratr Tom s rodinou (tři holky) se přijeli podívat. Zůstali jenom jeden den a zrovna byla zima a pršelo, tak jsme vyrazili jen na malou procházku kolem oceánu.

Looking good with all the kids, Jo! ;-)

We went to Deming Logging Show this year. It was a lot of action and the kiddos loved it! 
Here are some of the events: Best Load of Logs, Wrapper Throwing, Trailer Backing, Cable Splicing, Axe Throwing, Pole Falling, Speed Climbing, Choker Setting, Hand Bucking, Obstacle Choker Setting... and many more. You can read about the history if you wish at

Letos jsme vyrazili na show, kde bylo vše o těžbě dřeva. Pořádaly se závody v házení sekerou, lezení na strom, řezání pilou (ruční i motorovou). Udělovaly se ceny za nejlépe naložený náklad dřeva atd. Dětem se to moc líbilo!

This was really fun! 


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