Eventful Spring! Jaro u nás...

The weather has been wonderful here! We have had a few cold days but over all the sun shines even in the Pacific Northwest! So we spent a lot of time outdoors doing things we like - biking, gardening, hiking etc. Here are few random i phone photos. The kiddos are sure growing up. Little Lucie is officially a walking toddler! About a week after her birthday she took off and since that she hardly ever sits down. She just loves walking around the house and carrying things, picking up laundry and putting it over her head. She is so cute! 

Slunečné dny trávíme venku. Jezdíme na kole,pracujeme na zahradě a chodíme na procházky. Měly jsme pár studených a deštivých dnů, ale sluníčko se hodně na jaře ukázalo! Lucinka už hezky chodí. Tady je pár fotek.

Enjoying her first bowl of "svíčková". Yum!

Lucinka má ráda svíčkovou!

A domácí jogurt.

 We are so thankful for the great playgrounds here in Lynden!
Děti si užívají průlezky na místním hřišti.

Eating curly fries at the Bellingham Farmer's Market. 

Hranolky na trhu!

A homeschool lesson! Butchering pigs at our friend's farm. Sofia was very interested!
Zabíjačka na farmě našich kamarádů. Sofince se to moc líbilo a Elijášek seděl v autě bilý jako stěna!

Eating the good of the land! Fresh fried liver with onions!
Čerstvá smažená játra na cibulce! Sofidlo se nemohlo nabažit!

We had a crash at the local airport right across from our house. The road was blocked and Tim couldn't get home for a while! Fortunately the 79 year old pilot walked away without any injuries! Talk about blessings! He was blinded by the sun.

Taky nám tady spadlo letadlo. Bydlime hned u letiště. Celá silnice byla zablokovaná a Tim se ani nemohl dostat domů z práce a musel hodinu čekat. Pilota oslepilo slunce a naštěstí se mu nic nestalo!

Eli had his recital and he did so great! He won the first prize for the most practice minutes! We are so proud of him! I tried to load a video but it didn't work. So stay tuned....

Elijášek zakončil druhý rok hraní na piano koncertem. Cvičil nejvíce ze všech dětí a vyhrál první cenu. Jsme na něj moc pyšní! Video se mi nedaří nahrát...

 Here they are with our amazing piano teacher Mrs. VandenBoss.

I got a cruiser bike and I love it! It is so much fun to bike around the town with the kids. I love the little seat for Lucie! I also have a basket that is so handy when I run errands around the town.

Tak takhle jezdíme na poštu, do knihovny a pro zeleninu na trh. Ještě mám košík vepředu.

Time to pick calendula already! We will be making herbal tinctures this summer!
Happy sunny days, everybody!


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