Good times!

My brother Fanda came to visit and we are having a wonderful time together! The children are enjoying his company. He has been a great help and fun too! 
He cleared the jungle in our yard (it  really took a strong man to do it), built several garden boxes from salvaged wood palettes (priceless) , helped me washed all the windows (quite a chore I tell ya!) and many many things. I feel extremely blessed to have him here!

Our yard looked something like this. Lots of elephant grass, sugar cane and kiawe trees. He had to dig it all up to keep it under control!

It looks much better now! A lot of room for a nice big garden! 

Good little helpers! See a couple of tomato plants?We plan on a big garden with ginger, sweet potatos, beans, squashes, eggplants etc. 

 A big compost pile! I told you - lots of work going on here!

But it looks great now! There is a peek into our neighbour's yard as well. We planted palms and papaya trees on the "border" line and plan on growing flowers and squashes on this side. 
I will keep you posted about our gardening adventure!

We try to explore the island a little bit at the weekends while Tim is at home.
Here we are cooling off in the ocean after a little hike along the west coast. 


  1. You needed that garden to truly feel at home! Happy for you! And happy you are all having a good time with your brother. Hugs to all!


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