Thank you!

We would like to thank you all wonderful friends for the delicious nutritious dinners, lovely gifts for Eli, Sofia and Lucie, handmade cards, phone calls, prayers, encouraging words and support. We have been truly blessed by your love and kindness! Our hearts are overflowing with thankfulness! Thank you!!!

Lucie is doing great! She is a sweet little pea and we love her more and more every day! She still sleeps a lot and anytime she is awake we just adore her. Eli and Sofia are great helpers and I am so thankful to have them around! They make the transition so much smoother! I am feeling better every day and cannot wait to get a nice massage soon! ;-) The weather has been wonderful and we started walking again. 

Here are a few pics for you to enjoy! 

Tim stayed the first week at home with us and because of our wonderful friends who brought us dinners he was able to spend the time at home with the baby and the kiddos making fun stuff and playing outside. Here they are making a settler's village. 

 A proud brother!

Sofia made us coconut banana muffins! 

Our chunky monkey is 10 lbs at 2 weeks! 

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Psalms 127:3


  1. Wish we could be there to cuddle the kids and help you out, but glad you have lots of good friends and neighbors. Sounds like you are all doing awesome!

  2. These Pictures are just precious. So nice it is Spring and beautiful outside. Having Tim home that first week worked out wonderfully it sounds. Glad all is going well, and the little sweet pea sounds like she is content to be a part of this dear family!!!


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