Berry season is here!

Straweberries are in!JAHODY!

We love berries! Eli and I picked 30lbs of strawberries. Sofia picked two green ones, stepped on about a dozen and ate a few. We found a great source for organic strawberries. They are yummi, juicy and big! We made jam, ice cream, smoothies, and the rest is in a freezer for the winter. Here are some berry pics. MAME RADI JAHODY. HLAVNE DETI. SPOLU S ELIJASKEM JSME NATRHALI 15KG JAHOD. SOFINKA UTRHLA 2 ZELENE, SLAPLA ASI NA TUCET A SNEDLA CELOU HRST. UDELALI JSME MARMELADU, ZMRZLINU, KOKTEJLY A ZBYTEK ZAMRAZILI NA ZIMU.


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