So how are we doing here in Lynden? The new year started with some pretty warm and rainy weather. 50 degrees is more like spring than winter. We have been able to walk quite often with the kids. Tim even pulled out a grill last weekend for some "pink" burgers (that's the way I like them) but Eli insisted on "blue" ones since he is a boy. "Pink is for girls" he said. Sofia is growing fast. She started stacking toys, puting things in and out, on and off and she has six beautiful teeth. She bites apples now. Her favourite word is "dada" of course. She sure is a daddy's girl. Elijas is a charming little man. He sure has a lot of things to say and most of them are pretty funny. Mostly he just repeats what he hears from us with a really serious look like: "Don't you think is too cold here!?" etc. I hope everybody is doing just fine.


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