
Showing posts from 2010
We just got back from our annual trip to Portland. I know we actually stayed at Hilton in Vencouver, WA but hey it's just across the river! It was always fun and this year it was no different. The kiddos loved the beds with twenty pillows. While Tim was getting bored at meetings the kiddos and me enjoyed a river walk, a nice playground and a great toystore just around the corner from our hotel. It was a vacation for me - extra time with my hubby, no cooking, no cleaning, lots of great shopping and this year I took a cooking class with other ladies at Sur Le Table in Portland. And you know me I LOVE TO COOK (did I say it was nice to have a break from cooking???). We made Holiday Eggnog (so rich and creamy with just a touch of nutmeg), Baked Camembert with Caramelized Onions (Ohhhh..missing my stay in France - I brough about 5 wheels of Camambert and stunk the whole plane with it;-)), Orange- Poached Shrimp with Sweet and Spicy Dipping Sauce , ( a fresh new take on shrimp coctail),

Thanksgiving in Montana

Cold weather, temperatures bellow zero, bad roads, lots of snow and lots of fun on our trip to Bozeman, Montana. We got ski and snowboard gear this year and couldn't wait to get on the slopes! It was fun, few bruises, but surely FUN! No pics - sorry it's kind of difficult to ski with our old fashioned camera hanging around the neck -especially when you fall about 35 times on the first ride.Eli enjoyed snow with all his cousins and Sofia just chilled out at home by the fire place, chasing a kitty around. Here are few memories: Ten bellow zero is a good time to take the kiddos to the Children Museum and try to blow HUGE bubbles (never got one but tried for 20 min), try on costumes and learn something new like it's really hard to make a HUGE bubble;-). Sofia was co caring for her little cousin Eva. Any time Eva cried Sofia brought her a pacifier (spelling???), a blanket or a toy. So cute!
Here are my two favorite pics of this week. I just love these kiddos!;-) Here are our kiddos at Costume Party. Eli was a monkey (of course),Sofia a bumblebee, Tim was a Man in a Yellow Hat (sorry no pic) and mommy was just mommy (as Eli said). It was fun. Lots of crafts and games. Notice Sofia's dimple!

Fall Fun!

Our happy pumkin. Carved by daddy, Eli and Sofia. "pumpin" is still Sofia's word of the week. Just a few more pics to add to our fall fun.

Brave Eli

I forgot about these pics of Eli on a horse in Montana! This is his first time (and I am positive not the last time) on a horse. He was so excited! I love Ilona's pink helmet.;-)

Guess what is Sofia's new word!

PUMKIN! PUMKIN!PUMKIN! screams our little precious girl as she runs through the pumkin patch. I love fall! Nice warm afternoons, colorful leaves, long walks with the kiddos, pumkin soup (Eli's favorite;-)), apple cider, gardening, flying a kite...Was I born in Fall? Enjoy the pumkin pics! P.S. No, Sofia's hair is not getting straighter. She just rubbed a jar of facial creme into her hair.

Lynden Craft & Antique Show!

My first Craft show was great!A lot of work! A lot of joy! A lot of sales! Praise the Lord! The pics are not the best but notice the details like : curtains, a rocking chair and lamps from my living room. Rose petals scattered all over the tables and on the floor. The lily flowers are fresh. What a treat to come to this booth!;-) My best seller! Herbal Eye & facial Creme for wrinkles!

A Visit to Seattle!

What a nice day we spent in Seattle! First we went to the Boat Street Cafe for simple, sturdy, luscious food-the food of French grandmothers. What a fun lively place with its slate tables, mismatched chairs, and warm oak floors! I loved it so much I forgot to take pics! ;-) Happy with full bellies we went to the Anhropology store (see next post) and then to the Children's Museum. A pasta dinner at an Italian Restaurant and we called it a wonderful Bday day in Seattle.


Honestly, is there a better clothing store than Anthropology? So feminine, elegant, ahhh and ohhhh. Tim had to work on my Birthday weekend so he took me this weekend to Seatlle. We had a wonderful time! More on that later. But now...I got this classis Elevenses' plaid coat with a striking standup collar which is trimmed from end to end in ruffles - so ladylike!!! I also got a merino wool winter dress that is simple and charming.It was on sale (about 50% off) so I could NOT leave it there! No pic sorry! Tim said it's a nice ROBE to wear around the house! Ohhh, men! I am still laughing;-)

Garlic, Tomatos and a Visit from my Brother!

Just when we were ready to harvest our garlic and tomatos, my youngest brother Franta showed up with his friend at our door! We had so much fun! They stayed with us just for a couple of days and then they drove down south. AMERICA!!! Nourished at Burger Kings (which they called King Burger) they explored the beauty of the Oregon Coast and drove all the way down to the Redwood National Park and back north to meet us at Kettle Falls where we camped together. From there we drove to Glacier National Park and camped a night with bears. It was cold and rainy. We did a little hike and headed to Bozeman, MT to spent some time with Tim's family. The boys went to Yellowstone for a couple of days and then we all met back in Lynden. They drove 3800 miles. They had fun. Here are some moments from our trip. Om HWY 20 hading East to Montana. Our first stop at Cascadian Blueberry Farm stand for some healthy lunch - chocolate ice cream! By the way they have the best blueberries ever! (I grew up pic