We just got back from our annual trip to Portland. I know we actually stayed at Hilton in Vencouver, WA but hey it's just across the river! It was always fun and this year it was no different. The kiddos loved the beds with twenty pillows.
While Tim was getting bored at meetings the kiddos and me enjoyed a river walk, a nice playground and a great toystore just around the corner from our hotel. It was a vacation for me - extra time with my hubby, no cooking, no cleaning, lots of great shopping and this year I took a cooking class with other ladies at Sur Le Table in Portland. And you know me I LOVE TO COOK (did I say it was nice to have a break from cooking???). We made
Holiday Eggnog (so rich and creamy with just a touch of nutmeg),
Baked Camembert with Caramelized Onions (Ohhhh..missing my stay in France - I brough about 5 wheels of Camambert and stunk the whole plane with it;-)),
Orange- Poached Shrimp with Sweet and Spicy Dipping Sauce, ( a fresh new take on shrimp coctail),
Spice- Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Cherries ( the slightly sweet, spiced cherry sauce was just a perfect foil for the pork) and
Gingerbread Sandwiches with Cranberry- Ginger Cream Cheese Filling ( a great party dessert). It was fun - little too sweet for me but fun.
And I got to browse at their fantastic store - and finally got the crepe spatula I couldn't find anywhere else! Anyone interested in having a recipe? Just let me know!

Shopping and Dinning is just what you do when you are in Portland. We went to an italian restaurant Nostrana and enjoyed ourselves and all the delicious food. I think they possibly have the best ciabatta in the whole world.
a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhXvWXaYR78wD_FD2TN7jX8507GIiPyWqe_Y3mMjWDpHQD7u1RjkpSNHEKVPN24-HQrTdIiOAU0xGDqSXsTPqovNWP7d72t5t4Eg7Os2M8EzDGXcKQcbWE-ZaI8YVLUQMGOkfBBMyVRydiM/s1600/IMG_1655.JPG">

Portland trip would not be complete without eating at Kenny & Zuke's Delicatessen. I thought for a while how to describe this place and then I went to their website for some hints and here is what they say

...there are delis, and then
there are delis.

The first meet our expectations, serving us the comforts we want, in the atmosphere we’re used to, keeping the tradition alive.

The second exceed our expectations. They take deli and bring it a notch higher, raising the standards on the food, on the packaging, on the whole damn idea of Jewish deli. Portland, Oregon’s Kenny and Zuke’s Delicatessen is such a place (the latter). It is, simply put, in a class by itself.

- SaveTheDeli.com-
Absolutely the Best Pastrami I have ever had. Sorry you cannot take a bite ....


  1. Looks like a great trip! And yummy food! Love the straight hair.

  2. I'm a wee bit jealous! I got to go to Portland often when I worked, and I miss it. The food you made at Sur le Table sound amazing. Recipes please :)


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