Eli's First Christmas Program

Our church put up a little Christmas program this year. Eli and his friends Zach, Owen, Tyson sang in a choir. Eli had to learn two songs. We had been listening and practicing every day for few weeks before the show (execpt for two weeks when we lost the CD - it was under the passanger seat in the car- accident?). It was fun. The program turned out great. They were so cute and so hilarious. Notice expecially Tyson standing on Eli's left side. He didn' say (forget about singing) a single word during either rehearsals and show. He didn't even ring his bell. I guess his brother Zach (the loudest one) sang for him. Check it out.


  1. Good job Eli! You are quite the performer :) Love the jingle bells.

  2. Dado Here,

    AWESOME!!!! Wish we could have seen it LIVE!!

    Love - Nanna & Pappa


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