Christmas Day!

We had a beautiful, peaceful and relaxing Christmas Day! Just us, the kids and an 18lbs turkey. Eli enjoyed all his gifts and Sofia had a blast chewing on all the ribbons, paper and toys (only Eli's, of course). We praise and thank the Lord for our beautiful children! We love them dearly. I found an interesting recipe for a turkey in an old book I bought in a library (50 cents - I couldn't leave it there). We stuffed the bird with a mixture of apples, walnuts, eggs, sourdough bread, milk and herbs and wrapped the turkey in bacon. It was good! Very juicy! Mashed potatos, gravy, green salad, green beans and blue corn bread and butter, butter and more butter. Check out the pics.


  1. Oops, I spelled Sofia wrong in my last comment. Sorry :) Nice to see a glimpse of your new house in the background. You should take a few more photos to show us. Your Christmas meal sounds delicious. Tom was going to do a turkey but we didn't get it thawed it time. Miss you all!


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