Happy Birthday, Lucie Grace!

 Lucie turned 5! She started her day with a great breakfast from daddy. Then she had to wait for everyone to finish their breakfast which was REALLY hard to do. Patience is a true virtue!

She had her VERY FIRST Ballerina Birthday Party and it was a success! She invited her friends from ballet and judo classes.
What FUN we all had together!

Lucinka oslavila PÁTÉ narozeniny. Po vydatné snídani, kterou snědla během dvou minut, musela čekat, až všichni dojí, aby mohla otevřít dárky. To čekání bylo k nevydržení!
Zvlášť když si všichni pořád přidávali.

Everyone just did not seem to get enough of daddy's eggs and bacon.

More Legos from Papa and Nana.

Eli's gift was not just handed over she had to hunt for it!

Elijáškův dárek si musela najít podle mapy, kterou ji nakreslil.

More siblings also means more gifts!
She got a skateboard from daddy. A dress and shoes from mom ,a jewelry box and a secret code diary from Eli, earing stickers from Sofia and hugs and kisses from Charlotte.
A blessed little girl!

Čím víc sourozenců, tím víc dárků!
Od rodičů dostala skateboard, šaty a boty.
Od Elijáška šperkovnici, kterou si mohla sama nazdobit.
Od Sofinky nalepovací náušnice a od Šarlotky hodně pusinek.

Lucie got her very own skateboard! Now she can join with Eli and Sofia in riding!

Looking so grown up! And sweet!

Charlotte enjoyed it all!

Ready for a Birthday Party!
Twirl and Dance with Ballet Friends!

Odpoledne se pořádala party, na kterou si Lucinka pozvala kamarádky z baletu a juda.

A few spins and twirls while mommy sets up dessert table.

Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla cream cheese frosting.
Extra frosting for the birthday girl!

Vanilla cupcakes, caramel corn, coconut wafers, and strawberry and chocolate French macaroons.

Vanilkové dortíčky s vanilkovým krémem, kokosové sušenky, sněhové pusinky a popkorn s karamelem.

Coloring pages and making ballerina dancers.

Holky malovaly a potom si také vyrobily baletku na tyčce.

Posing with their ballerinas on a stick.

Sofia showing a few ballet poses. The girls got to dance a little bit, too while Eli played the piano.

Sofinka ukazuje jak se dělá pirueta.
Nakonec si všechny zatancovaly a Elijášek jim k tomu zahrál na klavír.

Dessert Time!

A konečně sladkosti!

Thank you, friends for coming to my birthday party! Thank you all for  your wonderful gifts!
I was truly blessed!

Trying out her new skateboard !

A po party hned na ulici vyzkoušet nový skateboard.


  1. Kids are really innocent and their charm really takes away our hearts. My doll is turning five next month. Want to plan a lovely surprise for her. Selecting a pretty event venues online and will book it immediately after I get an appropriate one. All her friends and cousins will be invited with their parents. Will have to look for suitable cuisines for all.


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