Giddy Up!

Eight pancakes for the birthday girl! What a fun family celebration we had! Tim was able to take a day off and that made her day even more special!

8 let znamená 8 palačinek s borůvkami k snídani. Tim si mohl vzít volno v práci, a tak byla oslava o to veselejší.

A Skateboard and her very own make up set from dad and mom, bubble gum from Lucie, Legos and t-shirt with a horse on it from Elijas. She was super excited and happy!

Sofinka dostala skateboard a make up od nás, Lego a tričko s koněm od Eliáška a žvýkačky od Lucinky. Ze všeho měla velkou radost.

We decided to take her on a trail ride at Gunstock Ranch at the North Shore. Despite the forecast of torrential rains and potential flooding, the weather hold up for us and we had a nice slooooow scenic trail ride. Eli, Sofia and I went on a 90- minute ride while Lucie took a 30 - minute pony ride. Charlotte enjoyed a playground . And Tim was the photographer.

Odpoledne jme vyrazili na projížďku na koni. Podle předpovědi počasí mělo pršet, ale na poslední chvíli se to vyjasnilo a nespadla ani kapka. Eliáš, Sofia a já jsme vyrazili na 90 minutovou projížďku po ranči s vyhlídkou na pobřeží. Lucinka se projela na poníkovi a Šarlota vše  z povzdáli pozorovala.

First time for mom on the horse!

Poprvé na koni!


I love Lucie in this red dress! It suits her. And her smile is therapeutic!
Lucinka se moc těšila!

Charlotte felt little intimidated by the big animals and decided to climb on top of a picnic table and watch from a distance.  

Malá se tak bála, že vylezla na stůl a jen vše z bezpečné vzdálenosti pozorovala.


Charlotte was afraid even of this nice goat.

Bála se i kozy a ze strachu se omotala Timovi kolem nohou.

The safest place is being wrapped around daddy's legs.

She has no fear of slides though. Big or small.

Na skluzavce se ale vůbec nebojí.

Having fun! 

We finished the  BIG BIRTHDAY weekend at Paniolos (cowboy in Hawaiian) - a Mexican restaurant in Kailua, with some mean burritos. What a blessed time!
Wish you all could be here to help us celebrate!

A den jsme zakončili v mexické restauraci Paniolos (kovboj v Havajštině)! Moc bychom si přáli, abyste tady mohli být s námi!


  1. What a fun day! Love the look on your face Petra, how did you like the ride?? Beautiful children and what a special day together. Happy Birthday Sofia! The boys say hi! And they wish there had been a video of Sofia's excitement opening her gifts:)


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