Wonderful Vacation Time

Our annual trip to Portland was great. The weather was wonderful, mostly sunny and NO rain! We stayed in Downtown Portland this time and that was wonderful! Great dining and shopping in walking distance (that is just what you do when you are in Portland). The hotel also had a salt water pool and great gym so we really enjoyed our stay this time. 
Our trip to Portland would not be complete without dinning at Kenny and Zuke's Delicatessen. That is just what we did, a few times to be exact! 

Náš každoroční výlet do Portlandu se i tentokrát vydařil. Ubytováni jsme byli přímo v centru města, takže jsme měli obchody a restaurace blízko.Hotel měl bazén se slanou vodou a bezva posilovnu, takže jsme ti to užili. I počasí nám přálo a nepršelo!

and some fine dining as well! 

Zašli jsme si na večeři do nóbl restaurace. 

Tim's parents came to stay with us for a few nights and we had a great time exploring what Portland has to offer for families with kids. Like the ZOO, the OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science) and on a nice sunny day we took a little drive to Oregon Coast, to a little town ASTORIA. We visited camp where Lewis and Clark stayed on their long expedition. It was really interesting to see and learn a little history.

Timovi rodiče s námi strávili pár dní. Podívali jsme se do ZOO a do muzea a také vyrazili jeden den k pobřeží oceánu navštívit malé městečko Astorie, kde Lewis a Clark ukončili výpravnou expedici.


Rekonstrukce kempu objevitelů Lewise a Clarka. 

The ocean looks a little bit prettier from Hawaii side though but the kids had fun anyway!

Oceán je z Havajské strany poněkud teplejší a i hezčí, ale dětem se tam líbilo!

 We extended our stay in "mainland" and decided to rent a car and drive to Whistler, BC for some skiing. On the way there we visited our friends, checked the town and house in Lynden.  Reuniting with "good old" friends was the highlight of our trip! It was wonderful to get to see them! It was another sunny day and the kids had so much fun playing outside! After that we picked up ski gear from our storage and headed North for some skiing time!

Z Portlandu jsme se vydali na dlouhou cestu na sever to Whistler v Kanadě, kde jsme plánovali strávit tři dny lyžováním. Po cestě jsme se stavili v Lynden, mrkli s na náš (vlastně už ne náš) domek (majitelé se o něj hezky starají), vyzvedli lyže a zimní oblečení z úschovny a navštívili dobré přátele. Počasí nám opět přálo a děti se pořádně vybéhaly na čerstvém vzduchu.

We stayed in the Creekside in Whistler in a very nice condo. Not much snow but we enjoyed our stay very much. The best skiing we ever did! Long runs, fast lifts, no lines. Even I got to ski full day with the children and it was wonderful! Lucie did really good on her skies as well.

Whistler  is made up of two side-by-side mountains, which combined provide the most skiable acres on the continent. Each of the mountains offer astounding vertical drops, 16 alpine bowls, more than 200 marked trails and six different terrain parks. A little bit of fresh powder would surely made our skiing trip a little

Whistler je ráj pro lyžaře. Nejlepší lyžování, které jsme dosud zažili. Dvě obrovské hory nabízejí nespočetně sjezdovek a dalších lyžařských terénů. Sice sněhu moc nebylo, ale i tak jsme si to užili! I já jsem si s dětmi zalyžovala. Lucince to na lyžích také moc šlo a byla z toho nadšená.

 Wild salmon every night for dinner. Cooking together was so much fun.

Ubytováni jsme byli v luxusním hotelu. Každý večer jsme si dělali čerstvého losola. 

And we also did some ice skating which was lots of fun!

Po večeři jsme si šli všichni zabruslit!

Památka na Olympiádu. 

 Gondola rides were fast and warm! 

 Icy skiing condition and not much of snow but we enjoyed it anyway!
Here is Sofia on her skies. She is an adventures skier! 

Eli was super excited about this trip. He misses skiing a lot. He squeezed into his ski boots which were little tight for everyone's liking but he endured and did not complain. It is after all the best skiing in the North America! 

And of course hot chocolate at night!

Horká čokoláda po náročném dni!

Peak to Peak gondola ride is hard to beat! 

Hory spojuje gondola. 4,4 km Krásný výhled!

We felt very blessed to be able to do all we did. It was a wonderful vacation time and we praise the Lord for all of it! 


  1. I enjoyed hearing about your trip. I wish we could have seen you but I'm happy you were able to have that time for yourselves!


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