Happy New Year!

Tim had two weeks off during holidays and we had a wonderful time. We visited the Bishop Museum (three times), the Honolulu Art Gallery, the Aviation Museum and more. Spent hours on the beach and did a few hikes. Tim and Eli went ocean fishing on a kayak with our pastor RJ. The ocean was calm and beautiful and Eli caught two fish! both were delicious! believe or not but we sure do not miss the cold and rain right now! Here are a few pics. Happy New Year! 

Tim měl přes svátky dva týdny volna, a tak jsme navštívili národní muzeum v Honolulu, letecké muzeum v Pearl Harbor a další atrakce. Také jsme vyrazili na pořádnou túru, odpočinuli si na pláži a Elijášek si zarybařil z kajaku. Chytil dvě ryby. Moc dobré.

Out favorite beach. We come here every Friday with the children. There are always turtles sunbathing or swimming in the ocean. 

Sem chodíme každý pátek na pláž. Pokaždé tam jsou želvy. 

 Eli likes skimboarding. He is doing pretty good!

Elijášek se učí na prkně. Docela mu to jde. 

 One of many trips to Honolulu. This time we went to the Bishop Museum. 

Honolulu Art Gallery. Amazing setting. Here we are in the Mediterranean Court Yard.

Galerie v Honolulu. 

Makiki - Tantalus hike. 8 miles round trip with 1500" elevation gain. Sofia's first big hike. She did great! We were very proud of her. The hike was beautiful, very scenic and interpretative. We learn about volcano rocks, native plants and birds. Passed a snail habitat, bamboo groove and a few cinnamon trees. the views were stunning. We enjoy hiking so much! Lucie is a great hiker too. She did a 2 mile hike with a breeze!

Výšlap na sopku Tantalus nad městem Honolulu. 13 kilometrů. Děti to ušly v pohodě. Krásný výhled a příroda.

Lunch break

 Passing through the native snail habitat. 

Bamboo jungle.
Bambusová džungle.

a cinnamon tree

 Eli had an awesome time fishing with dad!

playing on the beach on the east side of Oahu

quite windy that day!

Makapu'u Point hike to a light house. Great views. Hot day! Thankful for a nice ocean breeze. We also spotted a couple of whales!

Výšlap k majáku. Krásný výhled na pobřeži. Viděli jsme i velryby. 

Happy hikers!

 Happy New Year!!!
Something to look forward to in 2015! The Lord is so good!

Hezký nový rok 2015!!! My se máme na co těšit!:-)


  1. Amazing photos! Such beautiful scenery. And you look amazing Petra! I'm so happy to see you are expecting again.

  2. I love all your beautiful photos, and your good news! :)


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