Family visit

Tim's parents, Abby and Sarah came to visit last week in August.  It was a nice relaxing week with lots of fun, some beach and pool time, water park and we did a few tourist things as well.

Koncem srpna se k nám přiletěli podívat Timovi rodiče, kteří s sebou vzali Abby a Sáru, což jsou holky od Timova bratra. Strávili jsme spolu pohodový týden, na pláži a v bazénu, návštívili jsme vodní park a další turistické atrakce. 

Here is papa with kiddos. Heading to see the USS Missouri Battleship. 
The "Mighty Mo" was launched in 1944, near the end of the war. It was the last battleship ever built, and after only 11 years in service it was considered obsolete and mothballed in 1955. It seems hard to imagine how a state- of -the-art battleship - the toughest and most visually menacing ship ever built with guns that could fire a 2,700 pound projectile 23 miles - could be considered obsolete. Even though the ship was brought back to service in the mid-'80s for a short time and armed with Tomahawk missile, the usefulness of battleships had long since passed, even for a giant that is 887 feet long and weighs over 100 million pounds. 

The tour was a real treat to peer into this symbol of America's might during the mid-20th century. 

Navštívili jsme válečnou loď Missouri, která byla v provozu pouze 11 let od  roku 1944. Byla to poslední bitevní loď, která kdy byla vyrobena a na její palubě byla podepsána kapitulace Japonska. Asi polovina je zpřístupněna pro veřejnost a je to tedy velký zážitek! Loď měří 887 stop a váží přes 100 milionu liber!

It's amazing to stand on its giant teak deck, under the massive guns capable of such destruction!

Here we are at the undeniably classic "tourist trap" - Dole Plantation. We took a train ride tour to a pineapple field. Sounds boring, right? You bet! Adults got antsy in about 5 minutes but kiddos seemed to like riding the train. We learned everything we ever wanted to know about pineapples....

Tady jsme na ananasové plantáži, kterou jsme si prohlédli z vláčku. Docela nuda, ale dětem se to líbilo. 

 Having fun in our yard!

 Beach is always the best! Too bad it was overcast that day for a little nicer pics but we all had fun!


  1. So fun to see some pics! I especially love that
    last one. Would you be willing to post these on the family Shutterfly site? I'd love to download some to put in our annual photo books.


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