See how the garden grows ...

Here are a few pics of our growing garden. The white stuff on cherry tomatoes are drawstring organza bags which protect the fruit from fruit flies. We have learned so much about bugs here! Summer has been challenging but I can honestly say that we won the war on bugs. Even without chemical control. We found neem oil to be very effective against white cabbage butterflies as well as  old bug picking off the leaves and "night hunt" for slugs with a jug of salt - something the kiddos really like to do. 
Gardening is fun, a lot of work, but so much fun and so rewarding! So bear with me! A few pick of harvest food bellow!

yukon gold potatoes in the very back, green and purple beans, kale, eggplant and tomatoes

preparing a rock bed for yams and local purple sweet potatoes

the other side of our garden, lots of tomatoes, sunflowers and kabocha squash patch

harvesting beans

monkeys under banana patch
we found this set off craigslist
kids love it!

apple bananas
pure deliciousness

done with weeding
for at least 3 days!

garden boxes on our porch with salad greens, various lettuces, radishes, beets, turnips and herbs

feel so blessed to have this homegrown salad every day!

first eggplant harvest! moussaka for dinner!

 a harvest dinner at the clark's
roasted potatoes and kabocha squash
basil pesto
sauteed kale with garlic

it should have been ahi (tuna) there instead of the salmon but oh well this was before Tim's big fishing trip!
love Hawaii!!!

Tim's big fishing trip!
See what he got!
A nice 60 lbs tuna fish!


  1. Looks wonderful! I love the garden and the salad looks delicious! Thanks for posting pictures.


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