
Showing posts from 2014

sandy toes, salty kisses

We took a few family shots on our favorite beach in Ko Olina. We go there every Friday with the children and always see a few turtles swimming and sunbathing. Love these pics of our kiddos! They are growing up so fast!


We love Thanksgiving! It is such a good thing to be thankful! We made this hand turkey for our decor.First we traced our hands on a thick wood. Tim cut it out with a jig saw, Eli sanded each piece and then we painted each hand with acrylic paint. What a fun project and fun fellowship time! Priceless! We had an awesome dinner!  herbed roast turkey gravy from drippings creamy mashed potatoes mashed sweet potatoes cranberry sauce (made by Sofia) bacon, apple and caramelized onion stuffing ( made by Eli) garden heirloom green beens pumkin spice ice cream And big thanks to dad who did all the dishes! We had so much fun! Sofia was in charge of a Thanksgiving table this year. She did great! We made little turkeys out of felt. Throwing a bunch of herbs into the cavity of a turkey or rubbing the outside of the bird with a savory paste only flirts with great herb flavor - it doesn't infuse that flavor into each and every bite. We want

Biking is fun!

We found a great relatively easy biking trails up North Shore that we have enjoyed a few times already. Sofia is riding a big bike now and she is doing really good. She really enjoys going down the hill.  So this is how we roll..... Na severní straně ostrova jsme objevili pěkné stezky na kola. Sofinka už jezdí na velkém kole, a tak jsme několikrát vyrazili. Tak takle jezdime. Lucinka si pěkně hoví.  Going up the hill can be a little tricky sometimes for a clumsy little princess. At least she keeps in a good spirit. Most of the time! ;-) Sofinka ráda jezdí z kopce, do kopce už to je ale těžší a někdy padá jako hruška.  Enjoying sandwiches after a nice climb. Svačinka po náročném výšlapu.  Love this little muffin! 

Family visit

Tim's parents, Abby and Sarah came to visit last week in August.  It was a nice relaxing week with lots of fun, some beach and pool time, water park and we did a few tourist things as well. Koncem srpna se k nám přiletěli podívat Timovi rodiče, kteří s sebou vzali Abby a Sáru, což jsou holky od Timova bratra. Strávili jsme spolu pohodový týden, na pláži a v bazénu, návštívili jsme vodní park a další turistické atrakce.  Here is papa with kiddos. Heading to see the USS Missouri Battleship.  The "Mighty Mo" was launched in 1944, near the end of the war. It was the last battleship ever built, and after only 11 years in service it was considered obsolete and mothballed in 1955. It seems hard to imagine how a state- of -the-art battleship - the toughest and most visually menacing ship ever built with guns that could fire a 2,700 pound projectile 23 miles - could be considered obsolete. Even though the ship was brought back to service in the mid-'80s for a shor

See how the garden grows ...

Here are a few pics of our growing garden. The white stuff on cherry tomatoes are drawstring organza bags which protect the fruit from fruit flies. We have learned so much about bugs here! Summer has been challenging but I can honestly say that we won the war on bugs. Even without chemical control. We found neem oil to be very effective against white cabbage butterflies as well as  old bug picking off the leaves and "night hunt" for slugs with a jug of salt - something the kiddos really like to do.  Gardening is fun, a lot of work, but so much fun and so rewarding! So bear with me! A few pick of harvest food bellow! yukon gold potatoes in the very back, green and purple beans, kale, eggplant and tomatoes preparing a rock bed for yams and local purple sweet potatoes the other side of our garden, lots of tomatoes, sunflowers and kabocha squash patch harvesting beans monkeys under banana patch we found this set off craigslist kids love it!