Europe Trip Part Two

We also spent a lot of time with my family. We did a few hikes, watched a local football match, walk with the dogs and visited grandma in the west part of the Czech Republic and my brother Fanda in the north part. We were so blessed that Fanda let us use his car! It made everything so much easier! And Lucie travelled very well. Praise the Lord!

Romanek and Kubik, Eli's and Sofia's cousins.

We ate a lot on this trip! Here we are having a homemade chicken soup at my grandma.

She still keeps rabbits for food. They are so good with cream sauce and baked with pork belly! Yummy bunnies!:-)

We went to the cemetery to light a candle at my grandfathers grave and see my grandma's orchard. She cut a lot of trees down but still keeps some apples, plums and pears.

We also visited my dear friend Petra and her family! It was so wonderful to see each other again! Thank you, friend for a lovely visit and all your care and thoughtfulness! The kiddos had a blast!

 Hiking in the woods around my parents place!

Getting some fresh baked bread with pork cracklings and fresh baked rolls! 

Here we are visiting my brother Fanda. He is a forester and lives on a former summer residence of the Lobkowitz Royal Family! What a great place and great job he has! He is truly blessed! And we were so blessed too! He took such a good care of us! The kiddos adore him, especially Sofia. 

Visiting an old monastery close to Fanda's place. 

Here is a view of Fanda's job site!

The highlight of the trip! 

We were blessed by a private visit to a nearby castle! Fanda knows the managers and they were kind enough to show us the castle. It was wonderful!

If only these walls from the 13th century could talk!

Our friendly guides!

Fanda bought some property where he built a little ranch for his horses. He has only two at this time but plans to have more. We got to ride them or at least the kiddos did and they had a blast! What a cute little place! He plans to add a little arena next spring!

Saying goodbye was hard! 

My brother Roman built a new house close to my parent's place. It's a cozy little place with a lot of charm!


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