Fun time with Tim's family

We like having visitors especially papa and nana who came to see us for a couple of days and meet our little Lucie Grace. This time was even more special as Tim's sister Tawnya came along with her two boys Tristen and Dawson.  It was cold and rainy as usual when they are here;-) but we still had fun! 

O víkendu nás přijeli navštívit Timovi rodiče. Tentokrát s nimi přijela i jeho sestra Tawnya a její dva synové Tristen a Dawson. Pršelo a byla zima jako obvykle, když jsou tady, ale i přesto jsme si jejich návštěvy užili! Tady se chystáme do kostela. Lucinka byla nastrojená jako princezna!

Getting ready for church and baby dedication of Lucie. Isn't she precious?


A little lunch at Semiahmoo on a sunny day - oh I guess we had some sunny brakes! 
Na oběd jsme si zašli do hezké restaurace, kde jsme se kochali výhledem na oceán. 

Boys getting ready for a special treat - king salmon fishing with papa and Tim! They didn't catch anything but they sure had fun!
Kluci spolu s Claudem a Timem strávili odpoledne na rybářské lodi a snažili se ulovit lososa, ale marně! Domu sice nic nepřinesli, ale výlet se jim moc líbil!

Our plan was to have a nice picnic and spend the afternoon playing around and watching the waters - but it was rainy and cold.
V pondělí jsme měli naplánováno strávit odpoledne u pobřeží, ale počasí nám opět nepřálo! 

So we skipped the picnic afternoon and strolled through the Fairhaven street and did some shopping. Here we are posing for Tim's camera.

A tak jsme vyrazili do Fairhaven, kde jsme si prošli pár obchodů. Tady jsme všichni pózovali pro Tima. Ha ha ha! 

Boys having fun at Life is Good store. 


  1. Love the posers! :) what a happy and good-looking crew. Many blessings to count. Glad you all had fun together!

  2. Fun to see this family having good times together. Lucie just gets lovelier....


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