Happy Birthday, sweet Sofia!

Our precious little girl has turned THREE! It's so hard to believe it! We had a nice family celebration with Tim's parents who came for a couple of days. Sofia got a new bike, a pink cowgirl hat from Eli and a nice back pack for all the hiking we will do this summer! She talks and sings all the time. She also learned how to ride her new bike and loves it!

Sofinka oslavila své 3. narozeniny! Uspořádali jsme malou rodinnou oslavu s Timovými rodiči, kteří nás přijeli navštívit na dva dny. Sofinka dostala nové kolo, růžový klobouk od Elijáška a batůžek na túry, které se chystáme v létě podniknout. Naučila se jezdit na kole hned druhý den a teď chce pořád jezdit.

Other than that we have been busy getting ready for a baby here-organizing,cleaning,cooking and all the other stuff that you usually do before a baby arrives. I think they call it "nesting". So nesting we are for sure. We try to walk, bike and play in puddles every day. Not that easy with all the rain. Oh boy, it does rain a lot here!

Eli has spent a lot of time with his 3D beads lately creating amazing wild animals. Eli and I went to a concert to Mount Baker Theatre for Russian Romance played by Whatcom Symphony orchestra. There was a guest pianist Milica Jelaca Jovanovic. She was amazing! Elijas had so much fun!  He is doing so well on his piano and now he wants to learn how to play the violin! I think he needs to get a good summer job to start saving money for all his great plans!

Jinak se chystáme na příchod nového  miminka, uklízíme, vaříme a pořád něco organizujeme. Snažíme se chodit každý den na procházky, děti si hrají v loužích, kterých je tady požehnaně, protože pořád prší. 

Elijášek šel se mnou na koncert místní filharmonie. Moc se mu to líbilo. Jako host tam hrála klavíristka se Srbska, celou hodinu hrála bez not. Neuveřitelné! Elijáškovi hraní na piano moc jde a rád by se naučil na housle. Tak mu budeme muset obstarat nějakou brigádu, aby si začal vydělávat peníze!

Here is a picture of the Port Mann Bridge we took in January. 
Stavba mostu Port Mann v Kanadě, kde Tim pracuje. 

I am so thankful for my husband and my wonderful kids and just cannot wait to meet our new baby! Just few more weeks!!! Please say a prayer whenever you think of us! Thank you all!


  1. Glad she had a fun birthday and wish we could be there to give her a big hug! Looking forward to that little baby :)


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