I thought April would be a good time to update my blog a little bit! We are doing great! Enjoying the warmer weather and all the beautiful colors of spring. Kids and I started a garden again this year and planted peas (maybe - as we just found out the slugs ate the sprouts), garlic, onions, kale, radishes and beans. And that's it -no feast of greens for slugs this year! Kids love to water it every day eventhough it has been raining like forever lately. ha! We go every day for a walk, rain or shine (mostly rain) and we come home totaly soaked and mudy. I think Eli and Sofi just love to do their loundry. ha!

I am finishing the translation of Good & Evil into Czech and we all are very excited about it! It has been almost a year of a great time in the Word of God. I cannot wait to hear the stories of people who will read the book and come to know our Lord Jesus Christ! I might wait to hear it in heaven though...but hey! it's so exciting!
Just praising the Lord!
See more about the Good & Evil project at www.nogreaterjoy.org

Tim is working hard and we are thankful for every minute we can spend together! (have you noticed it's not hours anymore...;-)) We just made a bunch of chocolate chip, pecan, oatmeal cookies for the guys at work and had a lot of fun together! I don't know what I would do if I didn't have children (scary, isn't it?) So I am just really thankful for my two little bundles of joy! And joy they are!

I haven't been taking many pictures lately. So here is just a few shots.

This is Sofia at her best!

Enjoying skiing at Mt Baker!


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