from Sofia od Sofinky

Hi everybody! This is Sofia. I would like to tell you about a real fun weekend. I don't know what was going on but I got a REALLY big piece of cake with LOTS of frosting for breakfast! My parents told me that it's my birthday! Whatever it is I love it as long as I get this HUGE piece of cake AGAIN!

Ahoj vsichni! Tady je Sofinka! Tento vikend byl moc prima a rada bych vam o nem neco povedela. Vubec tedy nevim, co se to delo, ale dostala jsem k snidani velky kus dortu s maslovym kremem! Tata a mama mi rekli, ze mam dnes narozeniny! Vubec nevim, co to slovo znamena, ale to nevadi, protoze jestli narozeniny znamenaji dort k snidani, jsem PRO!

Then dad and mom took me for a fancy dinner to Nimbus restaurant and I sure had fun. I sat down with my best friend Eli by the window. We had the best view ever! I had my own seat (high chai is for babies!), my own white napkin (bibs are for babies)and I even got my own meal (I mean no scrap from my mom's and dad's plate!)I wanted a hamburger but apparently they didn't have it on the menu. I wasn't really familiar with other dishes so I ordered steak and potatos. It was yummy! I ate the whole thing and even a chef came out to see a girl that eats steak and potatos and not mac n cheese (what is mac & cheese anyway?)

Vecer me tata s mamou vzali do NOBL restaurace a to bylo ZUZO! S Elijaskem jsme sedeli u okna a meli krasny vyhled. Sedela jsem na normalni zidli a ne na te pro mimina, mela jsem svuj bily ubrousek (ne zadny bryndak) a rodice mi dokonce objednali jidlo (zadne zbytky z jejich taliru)! Chtela jsem hamburgra, ale toho pry na tom NOBL jidelnicku nemeli, tak jsem si dala brambory a poradny steak. MNAM! Snedla jsem ho cely! I kuchar se na me prisel podivat jako bych byla nejaky unikat ci co?!?

Mommy says I have a good manners for a two year old I think she is quite gracious to me or maybe she just didn't notice the beets on her new shirt, pants and I think some ended up in her purse too.

Maminka mi rekla, ze na dvouletou holcicku jim zpusobile a ne jako prasatko. No, tim si nejsem tak jista. maminka si asi nevsimla te skvrny od cervene repy na jejim novem tricku a a taky par kousku skoncilo v kabelce.

Oh, the best was a dessert! I had creme fraiche cake with butternut squash ice cream, candied ginger and gingerbread. So yummy! I tried to hide a piece of ice cream in mom's purse for later but she thought it was not the best idea.

Uplne nejlepsi byl dezert! Dala jsem si kremovy dort se zmrzlinou, oplatkou a kandovanym zazvorem. MNAM! Chtela jsem si schovat kousek zmrzliny do mamciny kabelky, ale to se ji moc nelibilo..myslim mamince, kabelce to bylo jedno!

Oh, what fun! You probably wonder why there are no pictures from our dinner! Oh well, my dad forgot the camera in a car and so he went to get it and as he was trying to put a battery in in an elevator it fell down, down, down, down down to the elevator shaft. That was not fun because I really wanted to have some captured memories from my birthday but....anyway I love dad and mom so much!

No, mela jsem se PRIMA! Asi se divite, proc nemam zadne fotky z tak skvele vecere! Kdyz totiz tatinek daval baterku do fotaku (ve vytahu! kdyz se dvere zaviraly), tak mu ta baterka vypadla a spadla rovnou do skviry ve dverich vytahu a padala a padala,a padala, az spadla tam, odkud jsme ji nemohli dostat. Teda aslespon ten den ne. Takze zadne fotky! Ach jo! Ale to neva, protoze to byl bajecny vecer a skvele narozeniny!

Thank you all for the BIRTHDAY wishes! Love you!

Dekuju vam vsem za hezka prani! Mam vas moc rada!

P.S. Sorry the pictures are not the best quality! I think my dad and mom came to really appreciate our good camera this weekend!
P.S. Omluvte kvalitu fotek. Stary fotak zkratka nefoti tak dobre, jako ten novy!

Notice the neckless! That was a gift from Eli he made it himself!
Tady mam na krku koralky od Elijaska! Moc se mi libi!


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