Febuary update

Febuary has almost gone by and we have been enjoying it very much. Most of our "life" is happening around the kitchen. As we cook together we talk about diferent things: our topic number one is the rapture of the church now- Eli finds it quite exciting and calls Jesus the Superhero. Yes, indeed! "So mom, I will just dissapear?!? So cool!".
He enjoyes playing the piano and learns how to play by ear.

Reading a book to his sister is what he enjoys every night.

Here he made the alphabet from leftover bread dough.

Miss Sofia is growing fast. She extended her vocabulary: chocolate cake, hot dog, hamburger, liver pate, muffin and croisant are her new words. She is also a wonderful singer "God morning God" is her favorite song at he moment.


One of Sofi's great faces!

Because of cold (24 degrees), wind and snow we stayed at home most of the week and did some ART with the kiddos. They love painting, coloring and crafts. Can you tell? Here is Eli's picture of Tim's truck and a buldozer - definitely a winner for his photo book I am putting together this year.


  1. Look at those smart, adorable, creative kiddos! Miss you lots. And wishing we could give Sofie a big birthday hug today!


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