January update

Have you ever wondered where has the time gone? It seems like ages since my last post! But we are back! Everybody is doing great! Sofia talks more and more every day. She is absolutely in love with Eric Carle's BROWN BEAR book (thanks Tom & Jo!) She can sit and read it over and over again with her silly little words...I just love it! I am SO THANKFUL that I don't miss ANY moments of their lives! Here she is playing Holy, is Our God Almighty.CAS TAK RYCHLE UTIKA! MAME SE MOC DOBRE. SOFINKA MLUVI CIM DAL VIC. OBLIBILA SI JEDNU KNIZKU O HNEDEM MEDVEDOVI A PORAD DOKOLA JI CTE. TADY HRAJE NA PIANO A ZPIVA.
Eli has grown so much! He loves to help me in a kitchen (I bet at least one of my children will become a professional chef!)He is also a little handy man and helps me fix things around the house when dad is gone. Tim and Eli have been working on a few little projects - they made a sword and a bow. It's so much fun when dad is at home and we have been thankful for every extra hour he can spend with us! Here they are testing "rajska" - Czech beef tomato sauce made of guess what- tomatos, carrot, onions, spices, chololate and cinammon. It's sweet and the kids love it. All kids do! Wouldn't you? ELIJAS ROSTE JAKO Z VODY. RAD MI POMAHA V KUCHYNI. VSADIM SE, ZE ALESPON JEDEN Z NICH SE STANE SEFKUCHAREM. HAHAHA! TADY OCHUTNAVAJI RAJSKOU.

We have also done some skiing. Eli is doing great and Sofia just has fun playing in the snow and running up and down the hill, clapping her hands when Eli falls down which is all the time;-) While I am with the kiddos, Tim enjoys the great runs Mt. Baker has to offer. We usually go on a nice bright sunny day with temperatures around 23 F. I love mountains. I would exchange them for Hawaiian beaches everytime. Here are some Kodak moments. RADI CHODIME LYZOVAT. DETI TO MOC BAVI. ELIJASEK DELA POKROKY A SOFINKA BEHA NAHORU A DOLU Z KOPCE A ELIJASKA POVZBUZUJE. JE S NIMA LEGRACE. TIM MEZITIM JEZDI NA SNOWBOARDU, A PAK SE VZDYCKY VYSTRIDAME.


  1. It was fun to catch up with you the other night and fun to see your pictures! I appreciate your positive attitude about everything. Love, Jo.


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