
Showing posts from June, 2010
There is always a first time for everything. Last weekend after tiring shopping for our camping trip we did a take out pizza for dinner. I can see your looks everyone! We enjoyed every bit of it! ;-)

Berry season is here!

Straweberries are in!JAHODY! We love berries! Eli and I picked 30lbs of strawberries. Sofia picked two green ones, stepped on about a dozen and ate a few. We found a great source for organic strawberries. They are yummi, juicy and big! We made jam, ice cream, smoothies, and the rest is in a freezer for the winter. Here are some berry pics. MAME RADI JAHODY. HLAVNE DETI. SPOLU S ELIJASKEM JSME NATRHALI 15KG JAHOD. SOFINKA UTRHLA 2 ZELENE, SLAPLA ASI NA TUCET A SNEDLA CELOU HRST. UDELALI JSME MARMELADU, ZMRZLINU, KOKTEJLY A ZBYTEK ZAMRAZILI NA ZIMU.
Some more pics of our birthday boy!

Eli's Birthday Party!

happy birthday to our special boy! Eli is 4! Where has the time gone? We threw a Monkey Party for him on Sun and it went very well. Beautiful weahter, great spot at the park, and the kids had fun! Tim grilled burgers to perfection! I made sweet potato salad, kimchi, green salad, and of course THE CAKE! Eli was blessed by all the wonderful creative gifts from his friends. Thank you all! It was a success because of you all!

Hi there!

The weather has been playing tricks with us. Lots of rain, cold, just a few sunny days. I am still wearing jeans and wool socks! Is it really June? This picture says it all! ;-) The kids and I have been having fun gardening and bird watching. We have started a medicinal garden. I got arnica, comfrey, yarrow, chamomile and echinacea from a local herbalist. I am adding couple of medicinal salves to my product line and I am really excited about that! It's so much fun! No pics of the herbs yet. Thet are still small. But here is a few of our growing garden! My curiosity led me into something I usually wouldn't do - get something labeled "As seen on TV!" I got Topsy Turvy tomato planter. For those who don't know what I am talking about here is a pic. The tomato plant really knows where is up and down and despite the fact that it is upside down it grows up! And for those who still wonder how could I "see it on TV". I didin't. I learned about it at the g