Hiking Day

One of the great things about warm weather is hiking! We love to hike and explore new places. We took a 2 hour hike to Fragrance lake. Eli hiked all the way on his own carrying a backpack with snacks and water. We got some nice Bay views and admired huge trees. V NEDELI JSME VYRAZILI NA TURU K JEZERU.ELIJASEK SLAPAL SAM CELOUC CESTU S BATOHEM NA ZADECH. PO CESTE JSME MELI KRASNY VYHLED NA ZATOKU A OBDIVOVALI OBRI STROMY.


  1. Tough little kiddo to do the whole hike on his own 2 feet. Beautiful scenery!

  2. One of Dustin and my first dates was hiking to frangrance lake - when we got there, it was just us and some skinny dippers!! Great photos, I'm glad to find your blog.


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