
Showing posts from 2009

More Christmas Pics!

I had to put some more Christmas pics on. Enjoy! We have been having wonderful weather here in Pacific Northwest. Bright blue sky, 40 degrees and sunny. We went for nice walks with the kids. The second posted pic is from a coastal trail in Fairhaven, Bellingham. Can you see the mountains in back? So beautiful!

Christmas Day!

We had a beautiful, peaceful and relaxing Christmas Day! Just us, the kids and an 18lbs turkey. Eli enjoyed all his gifts and Sofia had a blast chewing on all the ribbons, paper and toys (only Eli's, of course). We praise and thank the Lord for our beautiful children! We love them dearly. I found an interesting recipe for a turkey in an old book I bought in a library (50 cents - I couldn't leave it there). We stuffed the bird with a mixture of apples, walnuts, eggs, sourdough bread, milk and herbs and wrapped the turkey in bacon. It was good! Very juicy! Mashed potatos, gravy, green salad, green beans and blue corn bread and butter, butter and more butter. Check out the pics.

Tim's B-Day!

Tim turned 29! We had a plan to go for a brunch with the kids but he had to work on Saturday. Bummer! Eli and I made this delicious flourless chocolate cake! One lbs of chocolate, 10 eggs and 2 sticks of butter. What can go wrong?!? It was good. Julia Child would approve!

Eli's First Christmas Program

Our church put up a little Christmas program this year. Eli and his friends Zach, Owen, Tyson sang in a choir. Eli had to learn two songs. We had been listening and practicing every day for few weeks before the show (execpt for two weeks when we lost the CD - it was under the passanger seat in the car- accident?). It was fun. The program turned out great. They were so cute and so hilarious. Notice expecially Tyson standing on Eli's left side. He didn' say (forget about singing) a single word during either rehearsals and show. He didn't even ring his bell. I guess his brother Zach (the loudest one) sang for him. Check it out.

Dear loved ones!

How is everybody doing? We are so excited about this blog! I hope you are too! Life is good. We have been enjoying little bit of snow here in Lynden. Elijas is excited about Christmas. Everywhere we go Eli gets a candy cane. He is thrilled about that and wonders why is everybody giving him " a choking hazard" ( a name we use for candy)?!? Sofia is beautiful and steals everybody's heart. We love them both dearly. Merry Christmas everybody! Enjoy Jesus!