
Showing posts from February, 2015

Wonderful Vacation Time

Our annual trip to Portland was great. The weather was wonderful, mostly sunny and NO rain! We stayed in Downtown Portland this time and that was wonderful! Great dining and shopping in walking distance (that is just what you do when you are in Portland). The hotel also had a salt water pool and great gym so we really enjoyed our stay this time.  Our trip to Portland would not be complete without dinning at Kenny and Zuke's Delicatessen. That is just what we did, a few times to be exact!  Náš každoroční výlet do Portlandu se i tentokrát vydařil. Ubytováni jsme byli přímo v centru města, takže jsme měli obchody a restaurace blízko.Hotel měl bazén se slanou vodou a bezva posilovnu, takže jsme ti to užili. I počasí nám přálo a nepršelo! and some fine dining as well!  Zašli jsme si na večeři do nóbl restaurace.  Tim's parents came to stay with us for a few nights and we had a great time exploring what Portland has to offer for families with kids.