
Showing posts from April, 2014

Lucie Grace turned 2!!!

 Happy Birthday Sweet Lucie! She sure is growing up! Her vocabulary is amazing, she talks more and more every day. She loves reading books and playgrounds. She can swing for hours. Who does she look like? Lucinka oslavila druhé narozeniny! Upekla jsem ji mrkvový dort, který jí moc chutnal, hlavně ten krém! A jako dárek dostala koloběžku, tak teď se může prohánět s Elijáškem a Sofinkou! Taky na ní celý den jezdila! Na koho je podobná? A little celebration at home with a cake and a new scooter! Fit for a princess! She loves it! Now she can join her two older siblings outside!  Love you so much, baby girl!!! Stay tuned for some indoor pics of our house and some exciting home decor project I have been working on!

Getting Settled, Breaking The New Ground....

"I need to focus on how I can get it done, and not bemoan the fact that I have to do it." was a motto that really helped me get lots of things done. And I mean LOTS of things. While the to- do - list is still quite long we are getting to a point when we can get out and explore a little more. Let's explore! Here is a pic of our jungle yard that nobody took care of for 10 years. Eli to the rescue! He has been trimming down bit by bit. Notice the two massive banana trees. We plan to completely trimmed down the grass and put some veggie boxes there. A little bench and a play set as soon as I can get a deal off craigslist! Really thankful for Fanda coming he will be a GREAT help! Tady je fotka části naší zahrady, o kterou se nikdo deset let nestaral. Elijíšek se snaží po kouskách to vysekat křoviňákem. To je džungle! A dva velké banánovníky! Our first hike. Pu'u o Hulu hike on the Leeward (west side) of Oahu. A short 2 mile trip with 800 feet elevation ga