
Showing posts from June, 2012

Lucinka 9 weeks old

She is the joy of our life! Smiling little chunker! More pics coming ! Enjoy !

Happy Birthday, Eli!

A beautiful sunny day, breakfast in bed, bike ride with mom and sisters, picnic at the park, hamburgers for dinner and fishing with dad!

Eli's Bday Party!

This past weekend we celebrated Eli's 6th (wait did I just write 6th?!?!) Birthday. The party took place at a pottery shop of our dear friends Jeff and Natalie. Check out their beautiful pottery at  Their lovely place is located at the foot of the Cascade Mountains - quite serene and poetic! First we did a little tour through the  pottery shop to learn how pottery is made and then we played with clay and created lots of rather unique pieces - signs, cups, dog houses etc. The kids masterpieces will be dipped in various beautiful glazes and then  fired in the kiln. We cannot wait to see the end results! We all had fun! Thank you Jeff and Natalie for a wonderful time! You rock! The kids will never forget that! Minuý víkend jsme slavili Elijáškovi šesté narozeniny. Oslava se konala v keramickém studiu, které vlastní naši kamarádi Jeff a Natalie. Nejdříve jsme si prošli celé studio, abychom se dozvěděli, jak se dělá keramika a poté jsme si mohli...

Our First Hike

On a beautiful sunny Sunday we did our first hike of the year. It felt so good to be outside on a nice peaceful walk. Eli and Sofia had lots of fun exploring the outdoors. Lucie loved it too!  Jednu teplou a slunnou neděli jsme vyrazili na naši první procházku. Elijášek a Sofinka měli svačinu jako kdyby lezli na Mount Everest! Moc se jim to líbilo a hezky šlapali. Lucinka se hezky vyspinkala na čerstvém vzduchu.   Eli leading the way.  Elijášek vede turistickou výpravu.   Best friends! Nejlepší kamarádi! A little snack at the Geneva Lake. Svačinka u jezírka. What a hungry look! To je hladový pohled!

Growing fast!

Our sweet Lucie is growing so fast! She is smiling and making lots of cute noises. Here are few photos of this week. Enjoy!