
Showing posts from July, 2011

Summer!!! Leto!!!

Ohhhh how we love summer here! So much fun and so many things to do-like camping! We did our first camping trip of the year on the 4th of July weekend and went west of Wintrop to Buck Lake camp - off the path camp site with a nice lake. On the way there we stopped for ice cream - blueberry was our favorite -at Cascadia Farms(off North Cascade Hwy). I won't forget Sofia's face when I handed her the "kiddy" cone with a scoop of ice cream bigger than her face - well almost! The girl thought she is in heaven! ha! KDO NEMA RAD LETO?!? O VIKENDU JSME VYRAZILI NA NAS PRVNI LETOSNI VYLET POD STANEM. UTABORILI JSME SE NA ZAPAD OF MESTECKA WINTROP, COZ JE ASI 3 HODINY JIZDY AUTEM NA VYCHOD OD NAS. JE TO MOC HEZKA KRAJINA, LEMOVANA HORAMI S TEPLYM A SUCHY PODNEBIM. NA CESTE TAM JSME SE STAVILI NA ZMRZLINU - BORUVKOVA BYLA NEJLEPSI. TO JSTE MELI VIDET, JAK SOFINKA VYKULILA OCI, KDYZ JSEM JI PODALA KORNOUT SE ZMRZLINU - PRIPADALA SI URCITE JAKO V NEBI! HAHAHA! Nothing like hot dog