A Trip To Kauai!
This trip was quite spontaneous and unexpected! We went there to spend a weekend with the Pearls! Michael and Debbie Pearl whose ministry influenced our lives significantly. We picked up a couple of their books (To Train Up A Child and Created To Be His Help Meet) at church in Kapa'a we used to go to. What a blessing their ministry has been to us in child rearing, marriage and Bible teachings! We always wanted to meet them but were never able to make it to any of their Shindig camps. They are from Tennessee. When we moved to Oahu last year we learned that both of their sons live in Kauai and go to the same church as we did while living there! So great! I love how the Lord works! Mr. and Mrs. Pearl came to visit their sons and also teach seminars on homeschooling, parenting and marriage last weekend! We surely did not want to miss our opportunity! So here we are on the way to the airport! It was raining most of the time but we had ...