The Birthday Boy!!!
Eli turned 8 in June and we had a little celebration at home with a cake. We really missed having a party with our dear friends this year! Eli got a new mountain bike and tried it out the same day with his dad on a local mountain trail! They had fun! We also took him to PODIUM RACEWAY HAWAI'I for a few go-kart racing! He had fun and so did Tim and Fanda judging by the serious kid-like grin on their faces! We got to stand right next to the track and cheered on! Happy Birthday, son!!! V červnu jsme oslavili Elijáškovi OSMÉ narozeniny! Udělala jsem nepečený tvarohový dort s jahodama a banánama. Dostal nové horské kolo, které hned vyzkoušel na projížďce s Timem. Odpoledne jsme ho vzali na motokáry. Moc se mu to líbilo a i Fanda s Timem si zazávodili. No bake cheesecake with strawberries and bananas! Perfect summer cake! He loves his new bike and Sofia is happy to have his old one. She can ride it so well! GO ELI!!! And he ...