
Showing posts from April, 2013

Our Lucie Love is One!

Lucie can:  say "dada" and "baby" make a few steps all by herself do a simple puzzle scribble a nice picture eat finger food drink from a sippy cup sign  when she is hungry drum with dad and Eli She also: loves her siblings smiles a lot makes funny faces sucks her fingers (just like Sofia) likes to be naked loves to look at baby books helps with the dishes eats EVERYTHING from the floor has a sweet tooth We had a little family celebration with a cake.She loved it and just like Sofia when she was one, she could eat the whole thing! Happy Birthday, sweet Lucie!  We took some family photos outside. It was a COLD and WINDY day and Lucie was frozen. It was hard to get a smile from her. The photographer and his wife were so sweet and said that they will come up on a sunny day to take a few more photos of her. Lucie smiles a lot so that is the memory I want to have!  When we got home she warmed

March fun

The days are getting longer and the occasional sunshine feels soooo good!  Lucie is growing up and before we know it she will be 1 year (like two weeks or so?!?) She smiles a lot and made a couple of steps the other day. She is so much fun to be around!  Elijas has been practicing his bow getting ready for an elk in fall! Nice shot at a candy bar! Papa and nana came to visit over the Easter weekend and brought Tristen and Dawson with them. We took the boys skiing on Mt Baker on Saturday. It was so warm and the snow was melting but we still got a good day of skiing. One of the last ones. The boys had fun!   The boys had to try out shooting a bow. They all did pretty good shooting those candy bars!                                                                  Here are some family photos. I love this picture!  Eli played Amazing Grace and The battle Hymn of the Republic at our church. It was so special and he did so well! So pro