
Showing posts from May, 2011

So much to share TOLIK SE TOHO UDALO

and not enough time! Yep! It's about time to update my blog. April was cold and rainy with some sunny days. Here is what we did: Eli made some (about 20) kites and was really excited to try them out. They had fun eventhough there was no wind. KDE NAJIT CAS SE O VSE PODELIT? DUBEN BYL STUDENY A DESTIVY A SLUNICKO SVITILO JEN MALO. ELIJASEK VYROBIL ASI DVACET DRAKU A TESIL SE, AZ JE BUDE MOCI PUSTET. BEZ PORADNEHO VETRU TO ALE NESLO!ALE I PRESTO SE OBA HEZKY ZABAVILI! Eli's art work. I love his imagination and all the stories that come with these pictures! I keep all his art work and I'm running out of storage room! ELIJASEK RAD KRESLI A KE KAZDEMU OBRAZKU DOKAZE VYMYSLET DLOUHY PRIBEH. VSECHNY OBRAZKY SI SCHOVAVAM, BRZO UZ NEBUDU MIT KAM! Best friends! NEJLEPSI KAMARADI! We made a quick trip to Montana over the Easter weekend to see Tim's family. We had so much fun! Here is Eli rock climbing at Ilona's Birthday Party. VELIKONOCNI VIKEND JSME STRAVILI U TIMOVYCH RODIC...